§ 56-383. Property development standards.  

Latest version.
  • The following property development standards shall apply to all land and structures in the C4 Interchange Business District.


    Lot area. The minimum lot size shall be 12,000 square feet.


    Lot dimensions. Each lot shall have a minimum width of 100 feet.


    Ground floor area. No requirement.


    Building height.


    No main building or structure, other than an agricultural structure, may be changed or erected in this district so as to have a height greater than 75 feet, provided that buildings or structures over 75 feet in height may be erected subject to special use permit as provided for in this chapter.


    Exceptions. The provisions of article IX of this chapter, pertaining to property development standards, shall apply.




    General yard requirements. The following are minimum yard sizes.


    Front. All buildings and structures shall be set back at least 50 feet from the front lot line, except when facing an intersecting highway or interstate freeway in which case the setback shall be 80 feet from the nearest intersecting highway right-of-way and 100 feet from the nearest interstate freeway right-of-way.


    Transitional. No building or structure in the C4 district shall be located within 125 feet of a residential use or residential district. Such intervening open area shall be landscaped with trees, flowers, shrubs, sown to grass, and a dense compact screen planting capable of obtaining a height of six feet and three feet in width shall be required and maintained in an orderly manner along any lot line adjoining any residential use or residential district.


    Service. A service area where trash or refuse is stored shall be construed to be a service yard. If the area is visually observable to a street, residential use or residential district, it shall be enclosed by a solid fence or chainlink fence with a compact screen planting of not less than six feet in height and three feet in width. This screen planting shall be maintained in an orderly manner.


    Exceptions. The provisions of article IX of this chapter shall apply.


    Lot coverage. The buildings on a lot may not exceed over 50 percent coverage of the total lot area.


    Off-street parking. The provisions of article IX of this chapter shall apply.


    Outdoor advertising. The provisions of section 56-293, C1 district, shall apply.


    Loading. The provisions of article IX of this chapter shall apply.


    Other requirements for commercial uses.


    Enclosed buildings. All business and servicing except off-street parking, off-street loading and rental of trucks and trailers in combination with filling or service stations shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.


    Underground utilities. All utilities such as electric, telephone, television cable and other communication cables shall be installed underground and comply with the national electric code and chapter 3 of NFPA, Standard 501A. The methods of construction shall be those commonly used by the utility industry with aboveground access points for distribution and maintenance. All lines shall be installed in compliance with the regulations of the state commerce commission pursuant to the state public utilities act, 220 ILCS 5/101 et seq. All transformer boxes shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public.


    Glare. The provisions of the C1 district, section 56-293, shall apply.

(Ord. of 12-4-1973, § 15.3)