§ 52-153. Streets.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Streets (and alleys where provided) shall be completed to the grades shown on plans, profiles, and cross-sections, provided by the subdivider and prepared by a registered land surveyor and approved by the county board.


    The streets shall be graded, surfaced and improved to the dimensions required by such plans, profiles and cross-sections and the work shall be performed in the manner prescribed in "standard specifications for road and bridge construction" adopted by the state department of transportation (current edition). References in the following subsections refer to the standard specifications.


    The street pavement shall be of Portland Cement Concrete or a flexible pavement of a width as shown by the illustration "rural standard cross-sections figure 2," and "urban standard cross-sections figure 3," dated 1973, herein contained, and shall be constructed in accordance with design characteristics at least equal to those given below; except as modified by subsection (d) of this section. Material types are to be those set out in the Illinois Department of Transportation specifications.

    Design characteristics of street and alley pavements.

    Kind of pavement and thickness Major
    highways and area service highways
    Collectors Local* Alley
    Portland cement concrete
    Uniform thickness 8" 7" 6" 6"
    Surface-asphaltic concrete type "B" 1½" 1½" 1" 1"
    Binder-asphaltic concrete or bituminous coated blended
    2" 2" 1½" 1½"
    Base-compacted aggregate or water bound macadam 10" 6" 4" 4"
    Subbase-type II 6" 6" 4" 4"
    Total thickness 19½" 15½" 10½" 10½"
    Deep strength asphalt 11" 9" 8" 8"


    *When a local street serves industrial or commercial development, use collector street design characteristics.

    All paving materials and procedures shall conform to Illinois Department of Transportation specifications.


    Where major highways and area service highways are located within a subdivision, the subdivider shall construct such street pavement in accordance with the requirements for collector streets set forth in subsection (c) of this section.


    Prior to placing the street and alley surfaces, adequate subsurface drainage shall be provided by the subdivider. Subsurface drainage pipe, when required, shall be not less than 12 inches in diameter and of the type approved by the county board. Upon completion of the street and alley improvements, the as-built plans shall be filed with the superintendent of highways.


    If any plat of a subdivision within the jurisdiction of the subdivision regulations of the county contains public streets or public roads which are dedicated, such dedication shall not constitute an acceptance by the township for maintenance purposes. Acceptance of such public streets or public roads shall be made only by the adoption of a resolution by the county board, after certificates signed by the county superintendent of highways and township road commissioner have been filed with the clerk of the county board certifying that all required improvements have been constructed and completed in connection with the approval of the final plat of a subdivision by the county board.

(Ord. of 12-3-1973, tit. II, art. 4, § 2)